Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Moon News!


Do you believe the Volturi are righteous vampires, who are searching to transform the world into something pure and whole? Or are they there as regale figures, not performing any changes in the world of vampires?

Basically, are the Volturi good guys or bad.......


Monday, March 24, 2008

New Moon News!

ok here's a question:

Do you like Jacob Black in New Moon?

I only like Jacob before he turns into a werewolf.

your answer?


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Twilight- The Movie con't

hellooo everyone!

here are some comments about what you are thinking about the casting of robert patterson as edward cullen in twilight the movie.

Robert Patterson- Edward Cullen:

"i honestly think he is perfect! he was AMAZING in harry potter. i was watching that the other day and all i could think was edward!!!!!"

"Robert Patterson would make a lovely Edward. I am not saying he is who I expected to portray him, but he can look dangerous. One key Edward asset is his dangerous stare. I think Robert will be great!"

i think that robert will be great! congratulations robert!

new moon lover